
i'm sick... now.. I'M NOT!

Long had a very veryy VERYY long weekend
sick in bed

it was a 3 day weekend
and i swear
diseases chase after us
if we have something planned

we were supposed to go on a double date, eat out, play tennis, watch capt. america, take a nice sunday walk, snuggle!

no.. no no NO NO

every 4 hours i was back in his room with a filled tablespoon full of DayQUILL

he was chipper for the next 2 hours.. then his china doll eyes closed again as soon as he layed down

poor guy


he was better JUST IN TIME for monday [yesterday!]

but we slept in.. and took a long time getting ready
so i guess we couldnt do everything we wanted buuttt
we did go to the mall to go "window" shopping
so he thought!

Long: so you know we are JUST window shopping right?
Me: ummm yahh?
Long: are you okay with that?
Me: we will see long... we will see

he bought me a dress :)
he thinks he picked it out by himself
[i led him the wayyy]

photos will be coming with that new outfit

we did stop in at 4ever21 and decided to play dress up in the mens area

we just grabbed everything we saw in front of us and this is what we got
it started with just a sweater

and ended up like this


that night we went to

its buffet
its $10
they serve unlimited amounts of steak

&& this is what you have after staying there for 1.5 hours

whoops... guess we will try and go home sooner next day!
in all.. it was a bittersweet weekend.

1 comment:

  1. 10 dollars for strawberries!!! Long looked hilarious and he let you and his stomach was soooo big and fat from eating for almost two hours!!!
